Now Casting
The Deadly Type
A HobbsStyle/Skip Thomas Production
Produced by Tina Hobbs
Director/Writer Mike Berry
The creators of the hit film Banger, A State of Mind and Grace & Mercy presents their newest thriller:
When Erin moves to a small town to pursue her career goals, she becomes involved with the
local doctor and finds herself the target of a dangerous obsession.
Background Actors Needed for The Deadly Type, feature film
Here is your chance to be seen on the big screen, support an indie movie and have lots of fun! All ethnicities welcome. Unpaid. Film and IMDB credit available.
HobbsStyle/Skip Thomas Production
Produced by Tina Hobbs
Director/Writer Mike Berry
Send an email to clevelandcasting@gmail.com with your desired date/time and details will be forwarded to you. You will be on set for approximately 4 hours.
Friday, October 4, 2024
9am call time
Restaurant and bar patrons
Maple Hts, Ohio
(age 18 and up)
Friday, October 4, 2024
2pm call time
Guests at a banquet
Maple Heights, Ohio
(age 18 and up)
All Speaking Roles Have Been Filled
Thursday, September 12th
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Friday, September 13th
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Saturday, September 14
11:00am to 3:00pm
Call backs by invitation only
Sunday, September 15
11:00am to 3:00pm
Mandatory table read
Saturday, September 21
36 Public Square, Suite 202
Willoughby, OH 44094
Audition Instructions
By Appointment only. Please send an email to clevelandcasting@gmail.com for an appointment time and additional instructions. Include role desired along with preferred audition date.
Video Submissions Instructions
Must be submitted by 9am on Saturday, September 15. Video should include slate information (name, role and any agency information) and a full body shot. Audition should be framed as a moderate close-up from the chest to just above the head. Must be able to make the call back session in person or by zoom if out of town,
Sides are available on ClevelandCasting.com. This is a non-union production. No acting experience required. All roles come either with pay or stipend, except background or featured roles.
Important Production dates – Filming will take place
October 2 through October 20 with a mandatory table read on September 21, 2024 at 6: 00pm. Please be prepared to provide any known conflicts.
Erin - Female, (early 30’s), (African-American) Ambitious, business-minded. Must be very flexible with the ability to film weekdays and weekends as this role will have a strenuous schedule – notice given well in advance in most cases.
Lance – Male (40s), (African American). Attractive, successful doctor. Charming but can come across as having a bit of an ego.
Jeremiah – Male, (early to mid 20’s), (African American). Quiet and withdrawn. Can appear sinister at times.
Dr Mays - Male (early 50s and up), open ethnicity. Accomplished physichiatrist.
Kalece- Female (early 30s), (open ethnicity). Has her pulse on the town’s happenings.
Cathy Mays - Female (early 50s and up), open ethnicity. The supportive wife of Dr. Mays.
Nurse- Female, (early 20s and up), (open ethnicity). Nurse assistant in the doctor’s office.
Detective Kline – Male, (early 40s and up), (open ethnicity). Hard nose detective.
Detective Williams – Male, (early 30s and up), (open ethnicity). Rookie detective. Side kick.
Tony – Male (early 30s and up), (open ethnicity). Average Joe, hard working blue collar type. Construction foreman
Colleen - Female, (early 30’s), (African-American) Corporate type.
Mrs. Thomas – Female, (early 50s/60s), (open ethnicity). Lively, female patient
Teen – Male, or female (age 12 to 16), (open ethnicity). Into playing sports.
Delivery Man (Speaking) – Male. Open age. Open ethnicity
Waiter/Waiter/Bartender (Speaking) – Male or female. Open age. Open ethnicity
Jeremiah’s mother (Non-speaking) – Female. (early 20s) (African American) Young and attractive.
Young Jeremiah (non-speaking)– Male, (adolescent age), (African American).
Interested in being background? Email clevelandcasting@gmail.com and place. ‘Background’ in the subject line.
***All Roles Filled**
Now Casting
A State of Mind
A Skip Thomas Production & Second Mark Media feature film;
Director/Writer Mike Berry and Producer Tina Hobbs.
‘State of Mind’ from the creators of the hit film Banger –
Darius Thomas’ family history is filled with tragedy. Three generations of Thomas men have all taken their own lives, all struggling with mental illness. A promising writing career threatens to be side lined as mental illness once again rears its ugly head, this time taking aim directly at Darius. Struggling to deal with his new reality and surrounded by pressure from all sides, Darius must decide if he will face the beast head on…..or crash right into his family’s history.
Sorry, we are no longer accepting audition appoints for June 13. Feel free to audition on June 14
Thursday, June 13
6:00pm to 9:00pm
26250 Euclid Ave, Suite 211
Euclid, OH 44132
For the following characters only:
Darius Thomas, Shantell, Raymond Thomas, Young, Darius, Keisha Thomas,
Rick Parson, Fred, Poncho, Dr. Kate, Dr. Franz
Please forward headshot/resume to ClevelandCasting@gmail.com for an appointment time
Place desired role and date in the subject line
Friday, June 14
6:00pm to 9:00pm
26250 Euclid Ave, Suite 211
Euclid, OH 44132
OPEN FOR ALL ROLES, no advance email or appointment necessary. First come, first served.
Audition Instructions
Please bring recent photo, resume or contact information. Sides will be available on ClevelandCasting.com on Thursday June 6 after 9:00pm. This is a non-union production. No acting experience required. All roles come either with pay or stipend.
Important Production dates – Filming will take place from August 22 through September 9 with a mandatory table read on June 29, 2019. Please provide any known conflicts.
Character Descriptions:
Darius Thomas - African-American male (mid to late 20’s) Medium to athletic build. Artistic, deep thinker. Although he appears fine on the outside, inside he is fighting some dark demons. Must have a very flexible schedule as this role will be strenuous – notice given well in advance in most cases.
Shantell– African-American female (mid to late 20’s) Medium build. Attractive. She is Darius’ long time live in girl friend and loves him genuinely. She is often overcome with periods of helplessness because she feels Darius drifting away from her. Must be okay with love scene.
Raymond Thomas – African- American male (mid 30’s to early 40’s) –Medium Build, Athletic. He is seen only in flashbacks through the eyes of Darius as a youth. As a dad, Raymond enjoys spending quality time with his family and offers sound advice but he too, struggles with dark demons.
Young Darius Thomas – African American male (Pre-teen – 14 years) – He is seen only in flashbacks. This is Darius’ memories of himself as a child. He is a good kid that looked up to his dad, worry free and innocent.
Fred - African – American male (mid 20’s – early 30’s) Medium to stocky build. Fred is very protective of his cousin Darius but he is all hood and lives a dangerous life.
Keisha Thomas - African American female (Mid 40’s to mid 50’s) She appears both in flashbacks and present day. She takes her role as wife and mother seriously, because the bible told her to do so and she is all about her bible – almost fanatically.
Rick Parsons – White male (Late 30’s – Mid 50’s) Quirky entertainment agent. He has taken a liking to Darius and his talent.
Poncho – Open Ethnicity male (early 20’s late 30’s)– Power hungry street dealer. Confrontational. Uses violence and an entourage to harass the neighborhood.
Dr. Kate – White male (early 30’s to early 50’s). He is Darius’ primary doctor.
Dr. Franz – Open ethnicity female (early 30’s to early 50’s). She is Darius’ therapists.
Mikey – African American male (mid 20’s to early 30’s). This is Fred’s right hand man. He is ride or die for the cause.
Ms. Jones – Open ethnicity female (mid 40’s to mid 50’s) She is Keisha’s nosey neighbor. Her only purpose in life to is to shame Darius into attending church.
Receptionist – Open ethnicity female. (mid 30’s to mid 40’s) She works in an entertainment agent’s office
Sports Announcer – VO – Ok to email samples to clevelandcasting@gmail.com. Place VO Sample in subject line
Drunk Fan Open Ethnicity male – obnoxious, loud, die hard
Preacher – Open ethnicity male – Somber, performs a eulogy
Now Casting
A brand new series by Johnny Swirl and Swirl Network TV
Adam and Evelyn’s relationship is already…well, complicated. When they decide to take it to the next level, they find out if their relationship is strong enough to survive.
How to Audition
Date: Thursday, May 9, 2019
Time: 6:00pm to 9:00pm
HobbsStyle Casting Office
26250 Euclid Avenue, #211
Euclid OH 44132
(by appointment only)
Email a recent headshot to: ClevelandCasting@gmail.com, place desired role in the subject line. You will be assigned an appointment time.
This is a non-union production. Most roles will receive pay and/or stipend.
**Must have availability to film late May to early June. Please be prepared to discuss any conflicts.
Main/Supporting Characters:
ADAM PINE, Late 20’s – Early 30’S, White Male (Main Character) – typical, suburban middle class, liberal. He works as a successful photographer for an ad agency and is in a committed relationship with Eve.
EVELYN TOLIVER (EVE), Late 20’s – Early 30’s, African-American Female (Main Character) – Typical suburban, professional woman. Trendy with her style and dress. Struggles with insecurity at times especially when it comes to her interracial relationship with Adam.
CALEB PINE, Early 20’s – Mid 20’s, White Male (Supporting Character) - Caleb is Adam’s younger brother. He is very conservative and practical – he believes in making life easier instead of harder. Sometimes he acts like he is the older brother.
DESTINY TAYLOR, Late 20’s – Early 30’s, African-American female (Supporting Character)– She is Evelyn’s hood type best friend. Ride or die. Sweet and will give you the shirt off her back. Cross her or her friend, however, and she just may cut you!
Featured/Speaking Roles:
DEANDRE TAYLOR, Pre-teen – 14yrs, African-American Male – typical teen that likes rap and video games. Has a bit of an attitude that he most likely inherited from his mother, Destiny.
ERIC , Early 20’s- 40’s, African-American Male - well built, attractive. He makes for great arm candy.
JACYNTHIA (JACY), Late-20’s- Early 30’s, Exotic female – She and Adam are former co-workers and have also dated. She is attractive and commands attention with her presence. It is revealed that she is also bi-sexual.
STORE PATRON, Late 20’s – late 40’s, African American male – Militant in nature. Can be mean spirited.
The Roles Have All Been Filled
Now Casting
“The Blacker the Berry” stage play, written and directed by DaNine K. Ward
As two young sisters secretly read their grandmother’s diary, the pages tell the story of her struggle through life starting when she lived with her infamous mother, Delores Mae Clark, over a bar down on 4th Street.
The Blacker the Berry’ is a gritty gospel stage play about one woman’s journey from despair to destiny!
AUDITIONS (4 dates available)
Sat, April 6, 2019 – 11a to 2pm
Tues, 4/9/2019 – 6p to 8p
7211 Woodland Ave
Cleveland, OH 44104
Sat, April 13, 2019 – 11a to 1pm
Weds, 4/17/2019 – 6p to 8p
HobbsStyle Casting Office
26250 Euclid Avenue, #211 (In the Euclid Medical/Office Plaza)
Euclid, OH 44132
Email for an appointment time: ClevelandCasting@gmail.com, place desired role in the subject line and desired audition date in the email body. Audition slots are awarded on a first come, first served basis. You will only be able to read for one role, however you will be considered for others based on your audition. Information about sides will be forthcoming.
Non-Union. Compensation: Stipends
*Visit www.dkwardministries.com for rehearsal dates. Must be available for first day of rehearsal, tech week and performance dates of May 23 -25th.
Main Characters:
Hattie Clark (female, 17-33) the story begins when Hattie is 17 years old. She’s a very smart girl with two major problems; low self-esteem and her mother. (Must be African-American, of dark complexion, Size 8-11 or so and willing to give up your life through May 25 – (This role is cast, but needs a great understudy)
Naomi (female 17-33) she’s Hattie’s best friend who happens to be the daughter of a preacher. She’s more attractive than Hattie, but certainly not as book smart. (Must be able to sing and be uninhibited when it comes to acting, as she has a really physical scene with Hattie when she is working hard to save her life.
Delores Mae Clark(female, late 30’s) she’s mean and addicted and “Damn” should be her middle name. All Delores cares about is getting high and having a good time. Yet somehow, you still manage to like her! (This role is cast but could use a great understudy)
CJ (male, 25 to late 30’s) he’s a slick dude who supplies Delores’s drugs while pretending to love her, so she’ll continue to break the law for him. (Average build, doubles as a stage hand in Act 3)
Bowtee (male, 40’s to mid-50’s) this sharply dressed man is the owner of his own bar and has a special affection for his dishonest barmaid; Delores Mae Clark. Bowtee is a charming and kind man with southern charm.
Eddie(male 17-19) he’s a real cutie pie, but he’s a typical boy who uses Hattie for sex. He goes from charming and convincing to down right verbally abusive in let’s say….one missed period. (must be 5’8” or more, doubles as a stage hand in Act 3, could be one of the dancers in the bar scene or an extra)
Ariele (female, 15-19) typical teenager at the crossroads of her life. (must have a decent singing voice)
Loreal (female, 10-12) adorable, smart, whitty
Magee (female 50-65) this wise and beautiful silver-haired woman has found a very clever way to teach her granddaughters a great deal about life. (This part is cast, but can use an understudy, must be a darker complexion.)
Feature Roles:
Ms. Quilly(female, mid 50’s to 60) this charming, southern belle certainly gets Bowtee’s attention with her lovely smile and floral print dress that just kinda swings when she walks away, but not for long. It’s one scene with lines that any lovely lady would take pride in performing.
Otis (male 30-40’s) he was only out to have a good time when the Lady decides she’s had enough of life. He quickly sobers up when he finds his date sprawled out in the floor and not responding. One scene with lines and a quick exit! (Can double as one of the male dancers)
Professor Winner(late 30’s-40’s) He’s just that; a winner! This handsome, singing man has a voice that can sweep any lady off their feet, and He knows it. He’s got it all; handsome, great smile, the voice and kindness, and a great monologue and lines.
Detective Ryan(Male, Mid 30’s and up) He’s got one job and it takes a few lines to get it done!
Alfred (Male, 40-55) This Butler puts the icing on the cake of this amazing drama with a great surprise ending.
Feature Roles (Bar Scene)
Larry (male, 40-55) a comical character who is a regular at Bowtee’s Bar. Everybody knows he carries an “old rusty knife” that’s probably left over from his hay days! (This character can also fill two additional roles...
Detective Ryan – He makes one arrest (1 scene) and Alfred the Butler (1 scene)
Sally(female, 40-55) is one of those lively, fun women who helps to keep a party going and speaks for drinking women everywhere! Sally is a regular at Bowtee’s Bar. (should be on the thick side with an infectious laugh)
Ann (female, 40-55 she really ought to quit drinking, but then she probably wouldn’t be any fun. Ann is a frail woman who’s not too drunk to know what’s really going on at Bowtee’s Bar. (petite woman, but 5’5” or more, could be played by “Naomi”)
Gil (male, 40-55) he’s got some funny things to say, but it takes him a little time, because…well, he stutters. Just like all the other regulars, he’s still a fun guy to be around.
Ednah the Barmaid (female 40-55) is Bowtee’s sister and everybody knows her name. Problem is, they all call her at the same time! Ednah knows how to handle this busy little bar, by making them wait! (must have darker complexion, size 16 or more, and a beautiful smile!
Heather (female ages 21-30) how dare she show up at Bowtee’s with Mama’s man, CJ? And not only is she cute, she’s a ‘cracker’ at that!!! Oh, this can’t be good. Heather’s only got one line, but if she says it just right, there’re going to be some real problems in the bar that night! (must have a nice build and be light-skinned or caucasian)
Drunk (male, 35-55) What kind of bar would it be if the town drunk didn’t show up? This old Joe has only got one line, but he certainly gets to act up!! (must be a real comedian!)
The Big Deal Girl (female obviously! 25-30’s) just her very presence is causing some problems for the regulars! All of her talking is done with her hips and the men folk, don’t miss a word! (must be light-skinned or caucasian, & super fine, and at least 5’8”, a bigger girl would make a stmt.)
Bartender (male30-40’s) he may not have anything to say, but he’s got plenty to do in the bar and elsewhere in the play. This role is perfect for the man who loves to help in anyway because he usually doubles as a stage hand.
Feature Roles (Bar Scene Dancers)
Dancers(4 males, 4 females, 25-40) these extras in Bowtee’s Bar can slap the flo’, bring it back up, hit the 4-corners and shimmy like it’s 1964!!! Let’s take it all the way back to the red lights in the basement and the jukebox with just a little bit of ‘not-too-dirty’ dancing’! (females, up to size 16, males-medium build, shortest female height is 5'-4”, shortest male height is 5’8”, tallest height for male and female 5’10”.
Johnny Swirl and Swirl Network TV Presents ‘Hotel Swirl’
Now Casting
Brand new series from the producers of the urban classic ‘Swing Lowe Sweet Chariotte’ and hit series; ‘Heights Girl’ and ‘Wine & Gossip’.
Hotel Swirl is no ordinary hotel. This place has secrets that beg to be told. This new series gives an in-depth look into the complex relationships of the people who stay within its walls. With enough twists and turns to keep viewers on the edge of their seats, this multiracial series packs one hell of a punch.
Thursday, January 17
6:00pm to 9:00pm
HobbsStyle Casting Office
26250 Euclid Avenue, #211 (In the Euclid Medical/Office Plaza)
Euclid, OH 44132
Email for an appointment time: ClevelandCasting@gmail.com, place desired role in the subject line. You will only be able to read for one role, however you will be considered for others based on your audition. Information about sides will be forthcoming.
This is a non-union production. Most roles will receive pay and/or stipend.
**Must have availability to film Fri, Feb 8 through Sun, Feb 10th**
Kelly (Leading): African-American female, late 20s to early 30s. Pretty. She is in a long-term relationship but tends to be naïve and fragile in nature.
Briana (Supporting): African-American female, late 20s to early 30s. Curvy and seductive. She is an extrovert that craves attention.
Devon: (Supporting): African-American male, late 20s. Attractive. Generally a good person that tries to live his life right.
Jason: (Supporting): White male, late 20s to early 30s. He is Kelly’s significant other. Very likeable but has secrets.
Ashlee (Leading): African-American female, early 30s. Attractive with sex appeal. Manipulative and motivated by a broken heart but generally a good person.
Dr. Hunt (Leading): While male, 30s. Distinguished looking. He is a dedicated psychiatrist with a passion for helping others.
Carmen (Supporting): Open ethnicity, 20s. Sexy and exotic looking. She is a paid escort and very good at her job.
Simone (Leading): African-American female, 30s.. She is a professional, determined and knows what she wants. She wants to please her husband Peter but not at the expense of losing herself.
Peter: (Supporting): White male, 30s. Average look and build. Tends to be selfish and forget the prize of a wife he has in Simone.
Kirk Jackson (speaking role): African American male, 30s. Average build. He is being accused by his wife Ashlee of being unfaithful.
Lisa Hunt (speaking role): Open ethnicity. Slender and exotic looking. She is married to Dr. Hunt and harboring secrets.
Process Servicer (1 line): Male. Open age and ethnicity.
Stranger (Non-speaking): African-American male, early 20s to late 30s. Muscular or athletic build. Bi-sexual.
Pizza delivery man (1 line): Male. Open age and ethnicity.
Johnny Swirl Presents ‘Single & Ready’
Now Casting
Single & Readyis the brand new series from the producers of the urban classic ‘Swing Lowe Sweet Chariotte’ and hit series; ‘Heights Girl’ and ‘Wine & Gossip’.
At the urging of her best friend, recently heartbroken Latanya is searching for love online. She goes on date after date looking for Mr. Right but it turns out to be more than she bargained for! A new interracial dating dramedy from Swirl Network.TV!
Friday, August 31, 2018
6:00pm to 9:00pm
HobbsStyle Casting Office
26250 Euclid Avenue, #211 (In the Euclid Medical/Office Plaza)
Euclid, OH 44132
Sides are available https://www.clevelandcasting.com/Audition-Sides.html .
Email for an appointment time: ClevelandCasting@gmail.com, place desired role in the subject line. You will only be able to read for one role, however you will be considered for others based on your audition.
This is a non-union production. Most roles receive pay and/or stipend.
**MUST HAVE AVAILABILITY TO FILM SEPT 15th, 16th, 22nd and 23**
Character Descriptions
Latanya Lockhart (Lead): African-American female, early 30’s.
Tamika Matthews (Supporting): African-American female, early 30’s.
Lance: White male, late 20’s, artist-type.
Jason: White male, early 40’s, heavyset.
Gregg: White male, late 30’s, tall, handsome.
Charleston: African-American male, 30’s, handsome.
Brandon: White male, 30's, bald and clean-shaven.
Day Player: Open ethnicity male, 20's to 60’s
“Looking for actors for commercial project"
Rush Call - Looking for actors for commercial client
Looking for actors for commercial client. Paid. Non-union.
Must be available this Monday, May 14, 2018 between 8am to 6pm for up to 4 hours. Filming on Cleveland's west side.
Characters needed:
*Store clerk - female, open ethnicity, late 20s to early 30s
*Tenant – male, open ethnicity, young and hip, late 20’s to early 30s
*Businessman –male, open ethnicity, late 30s to early 40s
*Lost child – female, open ethnicity, ages 10 to 14
Send recent headshot, height, weight and contact info to clevelandcasting@gmail.com for details. Place 'West Side Commercial' in the subject line.
All Roles for This Project Have Been FILLED -- “Hey, Mr. Postman!”, a feature film by BerryGood Films
When Brian Lincoln loses his job, he gets a hook up at the post office where he learns just how challenging being the local mailman can be! In addition to all the crazy situations he ends up in, he unwittingly finds himself in the middle of a missing person investigation for which he may be the key to solving it all.
This hilarious comedy, brought to you by writer Brian Berry of BerryGood Films and directed by Mike Berry of Skip Thomas Productions will take you on a wild ride of unforgettable characters, twists and turns!
Wednesday, June28, 2017
7:00pm to 9:00pm
HobbsStyle Casting Office
26250 Euclid Avenue, #211 (In the Euclid Medical/Office Plaza)
Euclid, OH 44132
Email for an appointment time: ClevelandCasting@gmail.com, place desired role in the subject line. You will only be able to read for one role, however you will be considered for others based on your audition.
This is a non-union production. All roles will receive IMDB/Screen credit and craft services. Most roles are paid unless otherwise advised.
Brian’s Friends and Family:
Ma – Age 50s-60s. African American, female. The mother of the main character,
Brian. She is strong willed and faith filled.
Lil Tre – Age 20s, African American, male. He is the comedic friend of the main character, Brian.
Chris – Age 30s – 40s, Open Ethnicity male. He is the main character’s level headed, confident friend.
Neighborhood characters:
Tyronne – Age 45+. African American, male. Always appears stressed out. Has clear mental issues but everyone accepts his weird behavior which includes wearing a fur coat and shorts in the summer.
Levelle – Age 30s to 40s. Open ethnicity, male. Has feminine tendencies. Very animated. Always flirts with the main character.
Lil Carlos – Pre-teen. African American, male. Menace in the neighborhood. Always pulling pranks.
Alliyah – Teenager in high school. African American, female. She goes missing and her family members are desperate to find her
JoVanne – Age 30s. Latina American, female. Attractive and athletic. The main character pursues her as a love interest only to find out she is dating the neighborhood bully.
Peaches – Age 50s. Open ethnicity, female. She is an overly aggressive cougar and she has her sights set on the main character.
Ms. Benham – Age 50s – 60s. African American, female. Sweet older lady that is always willing to offer a cool drink and pleasantries to anyone she meets.
Shan – Age 20s. African American, female. Cool, hometown girl that gets along with everyone.
Post Office crew:
Lisa – Early 30s. White, female. Cute and confident. New at the post office.
Frank Crawford – Age 40s. White, male. Post office instructor. Takes his job very seriously.
Harry Cocks – Age 20s to 30s. Open ethnicity, male. He is a post office trainee along with the main character. He is very competitive and a teacher’s pet.
Crazy Dave – Age 30s to 40s. White, male. Ex marine that acts like he is still in an active war.
Miscellaneous roles (speaking)
Passenger – Age 30s, White, male. Plus size. Falls asleep on the bus that the main character drives.
Mr. Montgomery – Age 50s, African American male. He is the main character’s boss and fed up with his shenanigans.
Manager/Interviewer – Open. Interviews the main character when he becomes unemployed
Little Person – Open. Tough for his/her small size. Works for a repo company.
Ms. Lucci – Age 20s to 30s. African American, female. Voluptuous stripper at the local nightclub. She is ghetto but also about her money.
Glenna – Age 30s – 40s. Open Ethnicity, female. She is a nurse at a local blood bank that the main character frequents
Lounge Owner – Age 40s to 50s. Open, male.
Arabic store owner
Looking for featured extras for commercial (Roles have been filled)
Looking for featured extras for a commercial pitch on behalf of large client. Non-union.
Must be available this Saturday. Filming on Cleveland's west side.
*Male and female to portray couple eating in restaurant (age - early 30s)
*Several women to portray friends shopping at a retail store (age - mid to late 20's)
-*Male to portray rugged, outdoor type (age - 40s)
*Male or female voice over artist.
Send recent headshot, height, weight and contact info to clevelandcasting@gmail.com for details. For voice over, include sample. Place 'commercial pitch' in the subject line.
Make Some Extra Holiday Cash! Door Men Needed (Roles have been filled)
Calling Actors Looking to Make Some Holiday Cash!
We are seeking 2 individuals to portray Door Men this Holiday season for Tower City Corporation.
If you are polite, well spoken, energetic and able to interact well with customers, this is a great opportunity for you!
There are 2 positions open for approx 40 hours this holiday season.
Must be available from 12:30p to 4:30p on the following dates:
Friday, Nov 25
Saturday, Nov 26 (revised hours: 12:30p to 9:30p)
Saturday, Dec 3
Sunday, Dec 4
Saturday, Dec 10
Sunday, Dec 11
Saturday, Dec 17
Sunday, Dec 18
Friday, Dec 23 (revised hours: 11:30a to 3:30p)
Open age and ethnicity. Must be able to fit a large top coat (chest size 42 to 44L)
Pay: 30/hr
To apply: Send headshot and coat measurements ASAP to clevelandcasting@gmail.com. Place 'Door Man" in the subject line.
Revlon is looking for Male Models for a paid hair demonstration (Roles have been filled)
Models will receive a live hairstyle/cut by American Crew in the iconic Elvis Presley pompadour!
Dates: October 2 or October 3, 2016
Location: TBD
Commitment: 2 to 3 hours
Age range: 18 to 45 years old
Hair type: Caucasian, Asian or Hispanic hair
Hair Male Models-Need at least 3-4 inches of hair on the top and be willing to have it cut and styled by the American Crew team.
Attire: Black pants/black jeans, black socks, black shoes (converses are okay) and black t-shirt. Branded T-shirt will be provided.
REQUIREMENT: Please forward (3) photos to ClevelandCasting@gmail.com. One of the photos must include a real-time image with today’s date on a note card, preferably front, facial and side facial view.

NOW CASTING (all roles have been filled)
Skip Thomas Productions has an exciting opportunity to shoot a trailer pitch for a Los Angeles based film company looking to make movies in NE Ohio.
Film Title: Ohio Players
Synopsis: An Ex-Special Forces soldier JACOB POTTER promises to look after the 12 year old daughter of his slain war buddy. However, the only way he knows how to provide for her is by taking illicit jobs. As he struggles to re-adjust to civilian life, he finds that this new responsibility may be his most challenging job yet. Just how far is he willing to go to keep his promise?
‘Ohio Player’ is set in Cleveland, Ohio and is sure to take audiences on a ride filled with action and laughs while putting a new dimension to the meaning of family.
Non-union. All roles come with copy and credit. Stipends offered for some roles. It is a movie trailer so lines are limited with an emphasis on facial expressions and body language. We are also seeking skilled crew. Must be available to shoot from Friday, September 9, 2016 through Sunday, September 11, 2016.
2 ways to audition:
1. In person auditions: Wednesday, August 31, 2016, 6:00pm to 8:00pm, HobbsStyle Casting Offices, 26250 Euclid Ave, Suite 211, Euclid OH 44132. Please forward email to ClevelandCasting@gmail.com for an appointment time. Make sure to include the name of the character you will be auditioning for.
2. Submit a video audition by Wednesday, August 31, 2016 at 9:00pm. Cell phone quality is acceptable. Please send an email to ClevelandCasting@gmail.com for sides and further instructions.
Amber Mitchell (African American female)(age 35 to 45) - an attractive, no nonsense lesbian who runs a successful escort service. She is one of the main character’s best friends. Must be okay with profanity. **
Ricky Carr (Caucasian male) (age 40 to 45) - athletic, kick ass Special Forces soldier. He is the best friend of the main character and the father of Blue.**
Blue Carr (Caucasian female) (age 10 to 13)- a bitter, street savvy girl with lots of attitude and dreams of becoming a professional tennis player. She is Ricky’s daughter and the goddaughter of the main character.**
Boe (Caucasian male) (age 40 to 50) – a small time meth dealer. He is also the boyfriend of Blue’s mom and drug supplier. **
Hillary (Caucasian female) (age 50 to 60) – well to-do, attractive social-ite. Appreciates the finer things in life.**
Office Clerk (Open ethnicity female) (age 40 to 50) – no-nonsense clerk at the unemployment office. She has seen and heard it all.**
Female client of escort service (Open ethnicity) (age 40 to 60) – she is a regular customer of Amber’s escort services and eager to date the main character.
Marriage Counselor – (Caucasian male) (age 35 to 40)– owes a huge debt to a loan shark. Must be okay with simulated fight scene.
Goon – (Open ethnicity) (age open)– muscular build. Performs private security detail for the senator. Must be okay with simulated fight scene.
Lieutenant Barnes (Open ethnicity male) (age 50 – 55) – not opposed to unorthodox methods when dealing with peers or enemies.
Venessa (Open ethnicity) (age 25-35) – a high end escort working for Amber’s company. She has found unscrupulous ways to make money on the side which puts her at odds with Amber.
Young Man – (Open ethnicity) (early 20’s) – Proud member of the LBGT community, sometimes likes to dress up in women’s clothing. Runs errands for prominent and high profile businessmen.
Little Boy’s father - (Middle-eastern ethnicity) – (Age 30 to 40) – he is a hostage held by US soldiers
Little Boy –(Middle-eastern ethnicity) (age 5 – 7)– he is being used to extort information from his father
Extras –
Restaurant patrons
Club goers
Husband and wife at a counseling session
House Squatter (male, plus size)
**indicates stipend eligibility
NOW CASTING (All roles have been filled)
Seeking several experienced talent wranglers for a large scene filming in Cleveland Ohio in the month of April. Must be available weekdays from 7am, up to 12 hours.
Please send resume to ClevelandCasting@gmail.com. Place "Wrangler" in the subject line
NOW CASTING (All roles have been filled)
“In My Mind”, an exciting new stage play by Jenn Williams
Peter and Tristian appear to be a match made in heaven. On the surface their relationship is the perfect love story, but behind closed doors Peter is struggling to hold his marriage together. With an over-protective mother that is constantly involved in his business and a manipulative childhood sweetheart determined to win him back, Peter certainly has his hands full. But when the manipulation turns criminal, will this marriage be strong enough to survive?
Playwright Jenn Williams brings to the stage “In My Mind”, a thrilling stage play that touches on the matters of the heart while exploring the trials, growth and triumphs of love and relationships.
Saturday, February 27, 2016
11:00am to 2:00pm
HobbsStyle CastingOffice
26250 Euclid Ave, Suite 211
Euclid, OH 44132
(inside the Euclid Medical Plaza)
Please forward headshot and resume to ClevelandCasting@gmail.com, put desired role in the subject line.
Character Descriptions:
Non-equity only actors.
All roles are paid: Scale is based upon experience and role requirements.
Show goes up June, 2016 at CSU Drinko Hall
Must be available for evening and weekend rehearsals.
--Peter (Main) age 25 - 40, African American, Male - a mama’s boy of sorts but is a standup guy, tall manly features. Holds his friends close to his heart and loves his family.
--Tristian- (Main), age 25 - 40, African American, Female - very family oriented, sweet/ soft spoken.
--Kim- (Main), age 25 - 40, Open ethnicity, Female – Peter’s childhood sweet heart that is still in love with Peter and wants him back. Being able to sing preferred.
--Dawn- (Main) age 40+, African American, Female - Peter’s mom, she’s also a widow. To cope she gravitates to her only son Peter and has an unfounded fear of losing him.
--Taylor- (featured), age 18-20, African American, Female - Tristian’s younger sister.
--Eileen- (Main) age 40+, , African American, Female - Mother of Tristian and Taylor. Godly woman, very articulate.
--Charity- (featured) age 5-7, African American, Female – Tristian’s daughter from a previous marriage.
--Lay- (featured) age 25, Open ethnicity, Male – Peter’s coworker and close friend,
--Jacob (two lines)- Open age and ethnicity
**Also seeking several male singers - all ages and ethnicity
“Jada’s Journey” Launch Party - An Interactive Dinner Theater Event
STORY LINE: “Jada’s Journey” is a spicy drama about the trials, temptations, and triumphs of a young woman with big dreams of having a successful recording career as she struggles to hold on to her faith that is challenged by everything and everyone around her. This creative, interactive dinner theater event will have audiences laughing, crying, and giving God praise as they relate to a woman that wants to do right but realizes trouble is always present!
Written and Directed by award winning playwright, DaNine K. Ward: “The Blacker the Berry…”, “Is There a Man in the House?”, “The Real Hot Wives of Cleveland”, “Hootchie”, and more.
Brought to you by dkWard Quality Entertainment, “Jada’s Journey” Launch Party will feature scenes from the online drama that will be available to paid subscribers beginning February 2016.
Non-equity only actors.
Payment: Stipends based upon experience, rehearsal requirements, and # of performances.
Show dates: Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, Feb 12-14, 19-21, and 26-28.
Must be available for evening and weekend rehearsals.
Jada (Leading Role) - 5’6”-5’9” - African-American female, strong vocalist, late 20’s/early 30’s, attractive, small to medium build. Jada is strong and talented but sometimes finds herself struggling to balance her career, faith, and love.
Tracye (Supporting Role) - Open ethnicity female, late 20’s/early 30’s. ‘Plain Jane’ type. Although, she is less flashy and prefers sports to fashion, Jada considers her as a best friend.
Brandon (Supporting Role) - African-American male. 5’9”-5’11”, late 20s/early 30’s, very attractive. Brandon is Jada’s smooth talking ex-boyfriend.
Sam (Supporting Role), African-American male, attractive, 5’8 to 5’9. He is deeply rooted in the church and has a huge crush on Jada but hasn’t figured out how to get her attention.
DJ – Open ethnicity, He hosts karaoke night at the club (karaoke material/equipment is a plus)
Singers/Servers – Looking for singers with amazing voices of all ages to be added to the show.
Actors only: Monday, November 23, 2015
Singers only: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 (bring soundtrack)
6:00pm to 8:30pm
HobbsStyle CastingOffice
26250 Euclid Ave, Suite 211
Euclid, OH 44132
(inside the Euclid Medical Plaza)
Please forward full body shot and resume to ClevelandCasting@gmail.com to receive confirmation, sides (11/19), and rehearsal schedule. Place the role desired in the subject line.
SHORT FILM TAPING IN OHIO! (All roles have been filled)
A production company from Los Angeles will be in the southeast Ohio area (near Jackson, OH) filming a short film written by an Ohio native and Blacklist Screenwriter. The film will be submitted to the Sundance Film Festival and is scheduled to film from August 10 through August 14.
Roles are non-union and paid. If interested and available, please forward headshot and resume to clevelandcasting@gmail.com. Make sure to place the character’s name in the subject line. If selected, you will be forwarded sides and invited to submit a video audition.
Character Descriptions:
COON, Age 14, white male, a slightly younger Jacob Loftland (Mud, Sons of Anarchy) would be the physical prototype, unique country kid look. He shouldn’t be too cute or traditionally good looking, a slight Appalachian accent preferred, must be okay with swearing, running a lot, riding a bike, being in water. Helps if he’s kind of a funny kid because Coon is the more fun-loving, immature, joking, prankster between the two brothers. (Will also consider actors over 18 that can play teenage roles)